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Marriage Coaching & Counselling

Marriage coaching is just as important when preparing for a wedding as the wedding planning itself. When the big day is over and you are building your lives together, relationship coaching gives you a base on which to found marital fulfilment. Marriage counselling encourages understanding, gratitude and a solid base for intimacy and expression. Marriage counselling is often affiliated with a church, and may be a pre-requisite for holding a wedding in some churches, but there are also many independent pre marriage counsellors, marriage coaches and organisations that offer marriage coaching in South Africa. Check out our listings to find South African marriage coaching with an independent pre marriage counselor.

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LMS Life Counselling

LMS Life Counselling

Marriage Officer & Marriage Counselling

Reverend Stephen van Basten

Reverend Stephen van Basten

I would love to assist you to get married and set you firmly upon your journey to living a beautiful life together.