Trust us, wedding games don't have to be tacky or an awkward attempt at getting everyone to mingle more.
They can be the perfect addition to your pre-drinks and reception. From nostalgic childhood favourites to inventive games, we've found six of the best- that will have even the more mature members of your family and friendship group, rolling up their sleeves to get involved in the outdoor fun.



Not all guests want to spend the night dancing, especially if they have two left feet. So put those sport-fanatic gents to work by playing a game of croquet. Croquet, after all, is the perfect escape to asking a lady to dance. It may even be more fun after a few glasses of wine, as your skills enhance along with your socialibilty!

Corn Hole

This is the ultimate game for couples who want their extra activities to feel like a cohesive part of the wedding decor. If you're lucky enough, you may even be able to match the corn hole boards to your wedding style or theme. So why not splurge a couple extra Rand to include custom-made beanbags that perfectly suit you as a couple?

Giant Jenga

Who doesn't remember playing Jenga growing up? Upgrade from the small coffee-table version to the life-size set of blocks that your nearest and dearest can build and bombard as entertainment while you're busy posing for the wedding photographs.


With this quick and easy-to-learn lawn game, your guests will have no reason not to want to play! It's a fun group game and can be highly competitive. Inclusive of everyone, allow your guests the chance to have a laugh while trying to land close to the jack!

Ladder Golf

Ladder Golf is our final pick to add to the list; an extremely addictive backyard game of skill, and it's great fun for the whole wedding party!
You simply have to toss a Bolo (piece of rope with a golf ball attached at both ends) toward a Ladder with the hope that it will wrap around and cling to one of the individual rungs on the ladder. This is a certain winner with the guys!

So if you love the above games and think they'll be a hit- pop over to Mr & Mrs M Wedding Games to make sure your guests are smiling while snapping those giant jenga selfies!


Mr & Mrs M Wedding Games

Mr & Mrs M Wedding Games

Mr & Mrs M provide a fantastic entertainment service for wedding guests during that rather awkward "Photo-Hour". It's fun, affordable and very classy!