Don’t panic! You still have 30 days to fix all the mishaps and forgotten tasks, deep breathing and slowly ticking off from this list will help keep you sane.


You have the right to feel overwhelmed by the momentous job of planning such an important celebration. You simply can’t remember everything, and that is okay. Being tasked with keeping everyone happy, opinions to listen to, emails to respond to, the budget and of course your ‘day job’ sure is a tall task– the SA Weddings team has put together a list of the last little things to remember to do or not do before you say ‘I Do’

Finalise your budget

With the last 30 days to go, you will need to pop back and check on your wedding budget. An obviously very important aspect of your wedding, it serves as the framework for the entire celebration. Use this time to check any outstanding payments, unforeseen expenses or new add on’s that need attention ASAP.

Take a weekend off

The big rush is starting to approach with make up and hair trials and it can all start feeling quite overwhelming. We suggest that this may be the perfect time to take a weekend off - have a casual family get-together or spend a morning relaxing at a local spa. Family time helps to maximize the happiness and excitement that should be brewing by this stage.

Finalise your seating plan

Don’t forget about the guest list! Once all your RSVP’S are collected, make sure you spend some time creating a well thought-out seating chart. You could even include this in the ‘Family Time’ as Mum always knows who’s who and where they should be seated. You want to avoid subjecting your guests to awkward table talk or worse: potential cat-fights!

Confirm your playlist

As Beethoven once said, “Music can change the world.” But it's also the make or break point of a good wedding. Remember to give the DJ a wide selection of your favourite songs.

One week to go, what now?

Forget what the latest beauty magazine tells you, tanning the week before your wedding is never a good idea. Not only are you putting yourself at risk of skin damage, but getting too dark a tan can look unnatural in wedding photos. Especially if it's a spray tan gone wrong. And nothing is more Jersey Shore than an orange bride in a white dress.

Unless you want to capture a stained smile in your wedding photos, you should also avoid foods that can tint your pearly whites. Therefore don’t drink red wine or eat dark-coloured foods and candies before your big day!

One day to go, what now?

Breathe and enjoy the process. Facemask and feet up is what we suggest. An outdoor yoga class is a great way to curb anxiety and distract you from the nagging to-do list imprinted on your mind. At some point you have to switch off and we think thats a great idea- banish the phone and social media and soak up all the goodness and excitement of having your nearest and dearest with you as you do the final countdown.

And last but not least, don’t sit around in your bra on the morning of your wedding. Strange as it may sound- it's best for avoiding those unsightly pink indents on your back and shoulders.