Your wedding day is almost here - yay! You can feel the excitement and energies building up, but before you walk down that aisle and officially become a Mrs, there's one little thing you need to decide on before the big day...

Should you stay with your partner the night before the wedding?


There's the superstition that it is bad luck to stay in the same room as your fiancé the night before the wedding, but from our point of view it all boils down to religion and belief.

If you're the absolute traditional bride, sleeping in seperate beds the night before the wedding is definitely for you. However, the more modern bride might enjoy a slumber party with her groom-to-be the night before!

Whatever you decide, it's entirely up to you as there are no definite rules whether or not you share a room with your partner the night before your wedding.

We quite enjoy the idea of being apart as it somehow adds more excitement to your wedding day. The whole idea of being apart and only seeing each other on the wedding day is extremely romantic and pulls on our heartstrings.

So, brides, if you do decide to spend the night apart, we suggest you spend the night with family or your beautiful bridesmaids and schedule a movie night or pamper party to celebrate your last night as a single woman!

Before we end off, we'd like to add that whatever way you decide to spend your evening, make sure you're relaxed as you'll need all your energy for your big day!

Also, be sure to read our article The Evening Before Your Wedding