A team of SA Weddings athletes are making a difference in the lives of women diagnosed with breast cancer. Find out how they've been assisting and what you can do to make a difference!


On Sunday, 15 September, a team of SA Weddings athletes led by Temotio Jacopo undertook the 42,2km race to raise awareness about breast cancer in South Africa. Temotio, a fitness instructor and seasoned runner led the team with his 03:16:41 finish. “It was a good race, but tough at times. With that said, it was nothing compared to what women diagnosed with breast cancer has to go through. I am so honoured that I was able to run for a good cause and raise funds for Project Flamingo.”

Ensuring timely and holistic cancer treatment

With breast cancer being the most common cancer in women, Project Flamingo provides funding for additional theater lists on a monthly basis at both Groote Schuur and Tygerberg hospitals. Main costs are the locum rates for qualified theater nursing staff and selected theater consumables. Surgeons and anesthetists all work on a voluntary basis. Approximately 5 – 8 patients receive their breast cancer surgery per list, which significantly aids in providing timely care for these patients.

In 2017, a total of 82 breast cancer patients received their cancer surgeries on these sponsored lists and in 2018 a record 112 patients were operated on Project Flamingo lists. A total number of 588 (at the time of writing) have received their surgery through Project Flamingo since its launch in 2010.Patients are not selected by the NPC but are patients known to the breast oncology services at both GSH and TBH hospitals. This ensures fair practice and continuity of care.

“Project Flamingo is extremely grateful to wonderful individuals like Temotio who selflessly contributes to our cause. It is our prerogative to continue to assist and support an overwhelmed public health care system and to advocate on an ongoing basis for improved service delivery to ensure evidenced based, quality and humane cancer care for all South Africans. We can’t do it without people like Temotio! In the words of Margaret Mead: ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has’, says Dr Liana Roodt, Specialist Breast, Endocrine and General Surgeon.

Finishing times of Team SA Weddings

Temotio Jacopo 03:16:41
Paul Floquet 03:19:05
Tania Anderson 03:22:10
Murray Anderson 03:39:38
Andrew White 03:40:14

Donate to Project Flamingo

Help the SA Weddings team reach their goal of R 15 000 before Monday, 30 September 2019. Should you wish to donate, please visit Given Gain.
