Feeling The Love This Valentines

The SA Weddings team was treated to the ultimate showcase of love this Valentines Day at Robben Island as 18 couples from less fortunate backgrounds spent their Valentine’s Day yesterday saying ‘I do’ on the world-famous heritage site.

In partnership with the Department of Home Affairs, Robben Island Museum celebrated 20 years and made it an extra memorable day, by helping 18 happy couples tie the knot. They were joined by their families and the Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba as we got to witness the love from the front-row pew, and now no Valentines celebration will ever be the same!


Wedding Bells Are Gonna Chime

As we know, Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and romance, whether you're for it or against it- this day is marked in history as one that stands out for the demonstatrion of love in all its forms. Getting married to the person of your dreams, certainly takes the cake as the ultimate way to spend this day but not every couple is financially able to host the wedding of their dreams. Sixteen such couples, who would have tied the knot in an office at the Department of Home Affairs, were instead married in a beautiful mass-wedding ceremony on Robben Island on Tuesday, 14 February 2017.

Feeling very underdressed by comparison, we boarded the 9am ferry with 18 brides and grooms, all dressed to the nines, in time to see them make the ultimate commitment to one another and begin on their beautiful adventure through life together. Once the couples had exchanged nuptials, they were treated to their first lunch as husband and wife! The reception was held at The Robben Island Guest House and while couples took their wedding photos on the beach, attendees were serenaded by Nur Abrahams, who also made the couples’ first dance one to remember as he performed a romantic ballad for the books!

A Special Thanks To

Future Valentines days, even with a lot of chocolates and rose offerings, will be very hard to top after being part of this supremely special day. The SA Weddings team was both proud and humbled to witness such a significant moment in the lives of 36 South African individuals, taking their vows to a public space and being role models for the sanctity of marriage.

From couples who literally danced down the aisle, to the most amazing choir performances throughout the ceremony- this will be a day forever engrained in our memories. Thank you to all involved and a huge congratulations to the partnership in this effort- the Robben Island team and The Department of Home Affairs. An extra special thanks to our beautiful photographer - Monique from Fraaij Photography for capturing all this magic; Love is certainly all around us.


Fraaij Photography and Design

Fraaij Photography and Design

Fraaij Photography’s main focus when we are behind the camera is using beautiful light, capturing emotion and of course capturing the once in a lifetime moments.

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