Ina Paarman is a household name in the food industry that's provided many South African homes with the best ingredients families could dream of, we've asked Ina to share her great story behind the leading brand below! We've got great news for our finalist 'Bride Of The Year 2016' couples too, as Ina Paarman has some spoils in store for you and is a proud prize sponsor to our event this year!


1. Tell us a little about your personal style and how it’s evolved with your business?

"I have always believed in eating a balance diet and approaching cooking not just from a taste perspective but also from a scientific angle, in other words there is a reason why tough meat cuts must be simmered slowly, why cakes flop, why scrambled eggs lump, etc.

Nothing has changed much, except that I have been able to observe the results of eating an unhealthy or healthy diet on my friends over the years."

2. Having been in the food industry for many years, you must have seen a lot of trend-shifts. Is there anything that you foresee being quite a big trend in this next season?

"I have just returned from a trip to London to study food trends. The big movement is towards eating more fresh vegetables, fruit, organic meats, whole grains etc. At the same time- there are also the occasional indulgent treats like Salted Caramel Pie, Decadent Chocolate Cake and I believe these indulgences are the exception not the rule".

A special thank you to the brilliant photographer, Ayeh Khalatbari for capturing such a stunning image of Ina Paarman!

3. Is there anything in the wedding industry that’s a big ‘no no’ for you personally?

"Excess is never in good taste and the classic rule of ‘less is more’ applies to weddings as it does to everything else."

4. Being a successful businesswoman and constantly on-the-go, how do you unwind and spend any free time you may have?

"My garden is a great personal love, our dogs are good companions and nothing beats a good book."

5. Any advice for women wanting to go into this industry or even start their own business in a related field?

"Starting a business is a big commitment to make because as the business grows and you employ more staff, they and their families become your responsibility. You have to make personal sacrifices in time and in meeting your own family commitments. The ultimate achievement is to balance both home and work and to build and maintain strong relationship with your partner."

6. Lastly, for the beautiful brides-to-be, any tips before you start knuckling down your wedding menu?

• Is it achievable?
• Will it be a happy event? Remove anything that causes conflict.
• Does it look beautiful?
• And try it out!
• Will it cater to vegetarians etc?