Writing your vows may seem like a difficult task and it is only natural to get writer's block - don't worry, even the best of us experience this from time to time. Here are our best tips on "How to write your wedding vows".


Do some research

No piece of writing starts without some groundwork. By researching vows whether it's from your own religion, weddings you've attended or stranger's on the internet, you are guaranteed to be inspired to create your own.

Once you've read through a few and selected the one's you absolutely love, consider what it is that you are particularly drawn to and start thinking about how you can incorporate these elements into your own.

Confess your love

Jot down everything you love about your partner, what makes them unique, when you realised he/she was "the one" and how you felt when you first met. Take this time to reflect on your relationship and think about why you cannot imagine your life without your partner. We promise, all this research and inner reflection will make the world's difference when it comes to writing your vows.

Make promises

How would you like to contribute to your relationship? What would you like to achieve as a married couple? How will you be enhancing your partner's life? These are all questions you need to answer, but in saying this, remember not to forget about the simple promises we often take for granted. A promise to love, support and honor your partner goes a long way in any relationship.

Make it personal

Vows are meant to be personal and specific to the love of your life. With this said, we strongly suggest you steer clear of keeping the embarrassing moments to yourself - no one wants to be embarrassed on their big day. When writing your vows, always keep in mind your partner's feelings and how they would react to a specific memory.

Our advice? Keep it lighthearted and true to who you are as a couple!

Avoid Cliché's

Be romantic and use a specific quotes from a movie or your partner's favourite novel, but keep in mind that these quotes are there to enhance your vows, not overpower them. We suggest keeping quotes to a minimum as you would want your vows to be original and most importantly, you want them to be you.

Write it all down

With all the research out of the way, you are now ready to combine your favourite memories and promises to create your own wedding vows. Read it out loud and practice in front of a mirror - listen to yourself and see where your could improve.

Our last bit of advice is to stand tall at the altar, look lovingly into your spouse's eyes as you read your vows and enjoy the best day of your life!

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