With March arriving tomorrow, it's obvious that there have been a few food trends you've noticed all over on social media. Food trends are here to stay and will most likely define 2018! It's quick and easy to dismiss a food trend or even feel completely overwhelmed by it - not everyone can be VEGAN! ;)

Tummy Friendly!

Pickling and preserving is spreading like wildfire and it's showing us that the importance of good gut health is crucial (something we're still wrapping our heads around!) Focus on foods which contain probiotics and natural ferments like kimchi, miso, kombucha, sauerkraut and kefir and probiotics such as onions, garlic and other alliums.

Your tummy is the second brain of your body; a happy tummy = a happy mind!

Plant Proteins!

The plant-protein trend is young, hip and happening. It's not only good for you, but for the environment too. Your meat proteins require a lot more water during production than veggies ever will!

A few benefits of the plant-protein diet is low inflammatory, lower body weight and lower cholesterol.

We can all handle a little extra Spirulina, can we not?!

Root To Stem!

Waste control is a must-have in your home - we can't be wasting our food. The root-to-stem trend is aiming for people to use the entire plant. Grab a carrot and make a tasty puree, but use the green tops for a pesto, green juice or even a garnish on another dish.

Superfood Powders!

We're always on-the-go and grabbing a ready to-go meal from Woolies is so much easier than having to cook! Get rid of the junk food and nutrient deficient meals. Treat your body to a healthy dose of superfoods, add some blueberries to your morning smoothie or use the powders in your breakfast bowls.

Water Wise!

Cape Town water-crisis; we're so tired of this but we can't ignore it! Try meat-free Mondays - meat is more water intensive than plants. Include tomatoes, carrots, spinach, garlic, figs and parsley into your meals as these are a few of the water-wise fruits and veggies we love!

These food trends are some of our favourites, so we're changing our attitude towards, health and the environment. With that said, we won't be sporting croc's & tie-dyed dresses anytime soon!

Remember to include some of these delicious trends in your wedding day menu!