In these current times we tend to be washing and sanitizing our hands all the time. Our brides are wondering if this repeated action, which has become part of everyday life, could in fact be doing harm to their rings. Your engagement and wedding ring is probably your most treasured piece and we understand this. As hand sanitizer is made up nearly entirely of rubbing alcohol, the most common answer is that it won't do any harm to your diamonds however, could wear the finish off on white gold faster. It has also been said that repeated daily use of hand sanitizer could damage your gemstone quality over time. The most common solution is probably to take off your rings before you sanitize!


DIY recipe to clean your rings

Most jewellers offer a free jewellery cleaning service so it is suggested to enquire about this. Your jewellery should be thoroughly cleaned every six months but you can also clean your jewellery at home at least once a month or as you please.

A common jewellery cleaning recipe is to allow your jewellery to soak for approximately 10 minutes in a solution made up of 1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp baking soda, 1 tbsp dishwashing liquid and 1 cup hot water. Gently press a piece of aluminium foil to fit the bottom of a bowl, pour the solution into the bowl and place your jewellery in this solution. Rinse it under cold water and dry with a soft cloth. Voila! You have beautiful clean sparkling jewellery.

Top jewellery care tips from leaders in the industry

David Batchelor Designs suggests that hand sanitizer could possibly tarnish metals with a lower alloy (silver and 9ct) and have a potentially negative effect on porous stones such as Turquoise, Opals etc, it is better to be safe that sorry!

Silvery says that regardless of whether your ring is made from Silver, Gold or Platinum it is important to remember that they are all natural metals mined from the earth. We often forget that jewellery is made from a material that is not man-made, but beautiful because it is a natural and therefore requires our care and appreciation. Regular hand washing and use of hand sanitizer can most certainly impact the wear and tear on your wedding or engagement ring. It is probably best to remove your rings prior to sanitizing. Plated products are most prone to the damage as it wears off. The good news is that items can be re-plated. If you feel the need to clean your rings it is best to chat to your jeweller who manufactured them as they can offer insight on what is best suited.

Terusa Anne Jewellery is all about always taking care of your special jewellery and not exposing it to any strong or harmful substances. The metal might be able to handle it but natural gemstones might loose their unique shine, absorb the alcohol etc. depending on how porous it is. When applying hand sanitizer take off any jewellery and put it back on once your hands are dry. Take a shower with your rings on to maintain general hygiene and to keep away any dirt build up. It is not recommended to do this if your rings include any glued-in materials such as pearls because the glue will soften from the steam.

We hope we have helped answer a very common question and given you some useful tips and advice on how to care for your jewellery properly. Happy jewellery cleaning girls!


David Batchelor Designs

David Batchelor Designs

At David Batchelor Designs, we take pride in our handcrafted fine & contemporary jewellery.



Silvery creates beautiful jewellery, which is handcrafted in South Africa.

Terusa Anne Jewellery

Terusa Anne Jewellery

At Terusa Anne, we get excited about your vision and ideas for your special day.