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If you marry without an ante-nuptial contract, your marriage will be In Community of Property and both spouses will own the matrimonial assets together in equal undivided shares.
This is not always the intention between the parties getting married and a High Court application to change your marital status will have to be lodged at court after marriage to change the Matrimonial system that applies to your marriage, which has a huge cost implication as well as transfer duty and transfer costs implications if there are immoveable properties involved.
The Notaries at VisagieVos Attorneys will:
• Explain the different matrimonial systems applicable to assist you in choosing the right matrimonial system.
• Explain what documents they will need and draft a contract in the language of your choice.
• Attend the Deeds Office to have the contracts formally registered.
• Provide you with a new Last Will should you require, all inclusive of the contract fee.
Vasco Boulevard 181, Goodwood