My husband and I met 2022 when I was still a beauty pageant queen, I texted him and asked him to sponsor me with his custom made dresses as he’s one of the best fashion designers in Bloemfontein, he then agreed and asked me out on a date we then became friends and the more we spent time together the more we feel in love with each other, I then prayed about it, God then decided, that’s when we made it official, We were then blessed with a cute baby boy and got engaged.
16 September 2024 that’s when my man proposed, to took me out on a date to the same restaurant we went to for our first date, while we were sitting ready to pay the bill the waitress came with a plate and on top of the plate is my a ring, I was exited I remember saying yes before he could even ask, the whole proposal changed our lives, we then moved in together for to know each other better, we both became more independent and responsible, growth is beautiful.
We deliver creative event and brand experiences, and unlock a little magic along the way!