Therencia Malloy & Stanley Kearns

Married on Feb 1, 2025 in Western Cape

How did your love story begin?


Our love story began 2 years ago, both had tragic tails in love and both just at the place of giving up and not wanting to do this love thing anymore, we were 38 years old and tired of disappointments. My cousin was fed up with me not leaving the house and staying in doors and she begged me to go watch a rugby game at a pub with her, pub / club setup. we watched the game and the dj noticed me, he wanted to talk but i had none of it, being tired of men and all. Myself and cousin went to the pub for the next 4 rugby games until the man just couldn't withhold himself and mustered up some courage to approach me. We have been inseparable since now

Tell us all about the proposal.


He and my bestfriend planned a surprise 40th birthday for me which was 29 July and he decided to propose in front of both our families and friends. It was one of these most blessed and special moments of both of our lives.

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