Married on Aug 31, 2024 in Western Cape

How did your love story begin?


Our love story began when a certain gentleman decided to slide into my IM one December 2021, just with a “Good morning and I hope you have a wonderful day”, which I didn’t think much about. This went on for about a month and eventually we just started chatting, I am talking about 100’s of voice notes before we finally met in person on 27 February 2022. It was the most wonderful first meeting to put a face to the person we had each fallen in love with without ever seeing. ♥️ with both of us having daughters from previous marriages we then respectively introduced them and both our December born kids just hit it off and then we knew we were a forever as our daughters are the most important people in our lives. From there on out we have been an inseparable unit and our love, commitment towards not only each other but our blended family goes from strength to strength with God being at the forefront and love, respect and above all honesty next.

Tell us all about the proposal.


It was my birthday on 23 August 2023 and unfortunately Marlin had to work so he couldn’t spend the day with me, even though I understood I couldn’t help feel that tiny tinge of disappointment. However we had plans to have our blended family photoshoot with girls on Sunday, 27 August 2023, very excited with our matching shirts, blue jeans and white sneakers. So we have this wonderful photoshoot and Marlin informs me that we are going for lunch as he couldn’t spend my birthday with me the week before and I must wear this blindfold as he made a booking, which he never does, but he and the girls want to surprise me, and I am fine with wearing the blindfold as I have always been one to play my part as I know how effort people put into things and still not knowing I am actually going to my proposal. Prior to being blindfolded, Marlin suggests getting cheeseburgers from McDonald’s as the girls didn’t have breakfast and I was like I am not having as we are on our way to lunch, I am wearing a white shirt and there is no way I am messing sauce on me, as I am known to always mess on white… LOL After what felt like an hour drive blindfolded and many speed bumps we arrive at our destination. Marlin then proceeds to lead me blindfolded, and I am taking the tiniest steps as I cannot accept not having control, eventually we arrive, the blindfold is removed, Marlin is on one knee in this picturesque setting at Hidden Valley Wines with a Marry Me sign and balloons in the background, asking me to marry him, surrounded by our daughters, our mothers, my siblings and their partners as well as his best friend and wife. I tried to not have an ugly crying face and I’m still not sure if I said yes but I know I nodded. We then proceeded with popping champagne, hugs and pics with everyone, lunch at the restaurant and wine tasting for the ladies. Every day since then I still ask Martin to repeat the words of his proposal to me ♥️ Keshia, I love you and will you spend the rest of your life with me… I have those words on repeat in my head

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