Eriché & Ludwig Claassen

Married on Feb 25, 2023 in Kwa-Zulu Natal

Magical Moments


Walking down the aisle to my husband, knowing when I leave there I will be his wife. And all of the speeches. My grandparents on both my mother and my father’s side are still with us. Having my family with me on this big day.

The Honeymoon


We went to the most beautiful place on earth!! The Maldives.

Wedding Gallery


My Special Day

Traditional white as far as I could. White dress, pearls and a veil. Nude shoes with pearls on them. Very Classical

The Venue

Lythwood Lodge in the Midlands. We stayed the weekend. We had a weekend wedding. Best decision ever!

My Bridal Beauty Regime

I just did my lashes and nails at a local spa.

Wedding Elements

Everything was Chrystal and white which we rented. The rest was provided by the venue.

My Captured Moments

Adam Hilton Photography.
Also made use of a Photobooth.

Wedding Transport

I had a carriage

Food & Cake

Lythwood Lodge

The Reception and Entertainment

We had a live singer who was also the DJ.