Married on Oct 28, 2023 in Gauteng

How did your love story begin?


We met through Facebook, two days after my birthday In 2019 I got a friend request from Liefie we started chatting and then exchanged numbers after a month of talking through the phone we finally met and we had a strong connection from then on.

Tell us all about the proposal.


In 2021 after 2 years of dating he came home from work and we were just talking about the events that took place during the day then he just said"i want to send my uncles to your family to officially make you my wife" 4 months later we had a lobala celebration after the negotiations and he popped the question during the festivity and asked me to marry him with a beautiful ring on him and I said yes.

Wedding Gallery


Wedding Services Used

360 Link Events

360 Link Events

We deliver creative event and brand experiences, and unlock a little magic along the way!

Anella Wedding Shoes

Anella Wedding Shoes

Anella has put together a collection of the most gorgeous bridal shoes. We will help you find YOUR perfect wedding shoes to complete your journey to feeling like a Princess!

Alluvia Boutique Winery

Alluvia Boutique Winery

Alluvia is an enchanting winelands wedding venue with a tranquil feeling