Deeanne Daniels

Married on Mar 8, 2025 in Western Cape

How did your love story begin?


It started with a match! Post lockdown blues, while everyone was still trying to figure out how to integrate into society again, we happened to match on Tinder. After weeks of no contact due to an accident with my dog, Dale and I happened to start chatting again and got on like a house on fire. From text conversations, to late night phone calls, we finally decided to meet in person and it was as if we had known each other our whole lives. 1 dog, 2 years of dating and lots of foodie adventures later and here we are, still loving our favourite love story.

Tell us all about the proposal.


On a windy New Year's Eve in Cape Town, Dale and I decided to create our vision boards which we had been doing every year since we met. Dale was quite adamant that my board didn't need any ring pictures but rather more focused on house pictures (which I thought was strange, but okay). Later we headed up to the beach to have a picnic where we had our first date and he had all of our favourite snacks laid out and as the sun set, he pulled out flowers with a ring box inside and popped the question. I said yes and here we are!

Wedding Gallery