For 8 months I prayed that it would please not rain on our special day.
And when we had to sighn the marriage contract one drop of rain fell on the bible. We had ons beautiful sunny wedding. Thanks to God everthing was PERFECT
Our wedding was classic soft and green. Fairty tale style
We got married at Bell Aomre
40 people could spend the night and have breakfast the next morning.
I did hair treatments(Botox, Inoar) and coloring (Keune) microneedling for my face. Home teeth whitening.
Exercise- cycling, boxing, bootcamp
Decor was ruskus and white roses done by Inge at Bell Aomor
We had "I DO" lights on the outside dance flour
The men had grey suits
The men had grey suits
Brides maids dresses- The maiden
Wedding dress- one bridal in Sandton
Alistar Westscott
Bell Amour
Bell Amour
I did most myself an printing with a friend LBF Creations
We planned our own dance.
We used fame productions as DK and lights.