
SA Weddings

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Maxine Gouws

Married on Feb 19, 2022 in Eastern Cape

How did your love story begin?


At Varsity Colleges orientation week, on the 19th of February 2016, we were at McArthurs swimming pools, out of all the girls there I wore a full costume, the rest were in bikinis. He noticed me and immediately knew that I was going to be his wife. I however had no idea, I did not even know of his existence. That evening he dreamt about me, he just saw my face.
A day went by, and he asked a friend for my number, a week later, he sent me a message, by then I already knew he asked my number. That Friday, we met with a bunch of friends and he was there to. He end up taking me home, that Sunday he came to my house and the rest is history, we just fell inlove. It was easy love. As if we were made for each other. God definitely had His hand in this plan for our lives.

Tell us all about the proposal.


We went horse riding for the first time ever! A friend went with us (who is also a photographer) I did not think it was weird at all, as he was a good friend of us.
We went horse riding, and afterwards there was a picnic set up for us, our friend was bisy taking a photo of us, I turned around to give the horse a rub, when I turned around he was on his knee, and he proposed, I could not believe it, my first reaction was "is this a lie?" "are you making a joke?"
Eventually I said yes and we were both in tears.
We got in the car and was on our way to his family, when we got there, all our close friends and family were there to congratulate us. Still... I could not believe that this had happened. He had been planning this for 4 months, I could not be happier. He is truly a gentleman and man of God. Truly blessed!

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