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Maryna du Plessis

Married on Dec 10, 2022 in North West Province

How did your love story begin?


I was working in Cape Town for a year and came back to Gauteng in 2018 due to personal reasons. It was a very low time for me and I was desperately looking for work everywhere. Everyone who has ever been in the unemployment pool looking for a job would know how tough it can be. I came across a company that offers teaching positions in China and thought to myself I need to take a chance and apply (It's now or never). After just three days of applying I got an opportunity but I was doubting if it would be the right decision for me, then out of the blue an old friend that I've basically lost contact with over the years messaged me and asked how I was doing. I felt like I could truly open up to her and I told her what I've been going through for the past few months.
Long story short she said that the school she was working at needed a teacher ASAP and that I should apply, which I did.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I applied and the school invited me for an interview.
As I sat on the black leather seats in the office waiting to go in for my interview, Juan (my Fiancé) came in to talk to the receptionist about something. I know what I'm about to say is so cliché but when I saw him I knew he was someone special and I felt this very warm and homey feeling all over. Later that same day I got a call from the principal saying that he would like to offer me the position (not knowing that this man will soon become my father in-law LOL yes the principal is Juan's father]. Little did I know that me and Juan would be working in the same department as well.

He was a very quiet individual but I noticed him looking at me sometimes and when our eyes met we would both just smile and look away. I was always looking for excuses to sit next to him in a meeting or to go to his class to ask him some dumb questions that I knew the answer to.
A year went by with us flirting but never really making a move until the very last day of the academic year for 2018. We had a year end function at school, and I remembered being so anxious that I will only see him the following year when school resumed. After the function everyone greeted each other but I didn't want to greet him and slowly walked to my car hoping that he would follow me and he did! He asked me would I like to go and have a coffee later that afternoon and honestly the rest was history.

We started talking and going on dates and really the connection I felt with him was out of this world. We were officially a couple on the 31st of December 2018 minutes before new years (Our first kiss by the way).
Not long after on the 14th of February 2019 he became my forever valentine by asking me to be his wife and I couldn't say yes fast enough.
A few years later 2021 and we are ready to get married.

You know when people say that things happen for a reason or everything will happen if it is meant to be. I truly feel like the series of events that took place for our love story to begin is the most perfect definition for this statement. I mean hours before I was about to accept the offer to teach in China my friend whom I haven't heard of in years messaged me to apply for a job that would soon lead me to work in the same department as my now fiancé, and to top it all off my principal is my now soon to be father in - law.
I am truly blessed to say that I've found the one true love of my life who I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Juan and Maryna

Tell us all about the proposal.


Juan asked me on Valentines day (14 February 2019) with candles everywhere in the room and our favourite Mac Donald's meal and just the two of us with Angels and Airwaves (One of our favourite bands) playing in the background.

When I was a little girl I always expected this massive engagement with photographers and a hot air balloon and violins playing in the background with the whole family there.

Never did I think a proposal like the one I had would have me in tears and would be so special and forever engraved in my heart as a happy memory with the person I love. I wouldn't want it any other way then the way it was on that night.

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