
SA Weddings

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Mabotse Moichela (Rampisa)

Mabotse Moichela

Married on Dec 17, 2022 in North West Province

How did your love story begin?


Me and my fiancee met in May 2017 ,lol where ? Id rather not say . We started dating from that day but in 2018 we faced challenges that lead to our separation until late 2019 again we reconciled. Lol you know at first i did not understand why would a dark tall guy like that see fit to even attempt to ask me out , he would call 10 time a day i would get so annoyed at times give my ohone to my friends to tell him i am not around . But he did not give up on me he persuaded me until the final day i lol decided to go visit him funny our worlds were so different but he assured me that we were meant to be i kept asking why? he told me wait and see until this day i have never looked back despite our challenges we managed to pull throug together our love is much more stronger . He is a very very calm individual, and i am the opposite of him lol but not a very good listener even though we both love each other so much even through obstacles our love always prevails

Tell us all about the proposal.


Yohhhh lol December 2020 one morning he says to me i want to give you a very different for your birthday next year ,i ask what could that be ..."I'll let you know in time worry not" he said me being me nosy i kept asking what the gift would be him being him " you will have to wait for me " around mid March one Sunday afternoon we watching tv at home his mom called my mom told her my fiance's intentions to come pay bride price(lobola) i heard my mother screaming from her bedroom lol she came to us happy and i gave him the "whaaaaaat look" he gave me the "hell yeeeaahhhh look" lol the rest was sealed with a kiss

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