
SA Weddings

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Libuseng Mofokeng

Married on Dec 24, 2022 in Free State

Magical Moments


Wedding attire, Deco, venue & cake

The Honeymoon



Wedding Gallery


My Special Day

Venue- Die stoor "Bothaville"
Dress - Carmen's Bridal Boutique
For change Designed by Thabo Ramaisa
Hair- Devine hair studio
Makeup & styling- Tailor Made beauty

The Venue

Die stoor "Bothaville"

My Bridal Beauty Regime

I didn't have any

Wedding Elements

We got everything from the venue

My Groom And His Groomsmen

Markham then the Seshweshwe piece were tailored in by a local tailor

Beautiful Bridesmaids

I only told them the themed colour so each of them found their own designer and the all made sure the came prepared

Marriage Officer

Pastor Leshelea

My Captured Moments

Photography - RT Photography
Videographer - Vakele Monque production

The Wedding Planner

I did everything for myself

Wedding Transport

Family cars

Food & Cake

My aunts

The Reception and Entertainment

I had a local DJ and no we didn't take any dancing lessons