
SA Weddings

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Kershia Naidoo

Kershia Naidoo

Married on Dec 31, 2022 in Gauteng

How did your love story begin?


we dated for a few years and then we split in june 2020 for about 9 months with no contact whatsoever yet we lived like few streets away, 2 months into break up my fiances dad passed on i attended the funeral and that was it no further contact after that between us guess we both are equally stubborn lol that was in august 2020, then in March 2021 my mum passed on and he came to my house and there after spent time with my dad ...he was the only comfort my dad and the biggest support system for my family....we started to talk after that for about 2 months about everything how life played out ... then we both decided to give it a second shot and realized afterwards that we are meant to be together and it took losing 2 most precious people in our life that was our biggest fans. Now theres not turning back come what may.

Tell us all about the proposal.


My proposal was the best ... i never thought i would actually have one... it was well planned with my sister, dad and my mums sisters family in durbs, i was kept in the dark for months, it was done on the beach 24 September 2021 in the south coast, few moments after reaching , we went to the beach to put flowers for my mums bday which was on the 23rd September, but i had no idea what was in store for me, when we reached my sister blind folded me and said she had a surprise for me and my dad... then she held my hand and walked with me... then she takes off the blind fold , then i hear music, and see my mums sisters family all standing there, a long white carpet before me with Anthony standing at the end waiting for me with a beautiful balloon arch behind him and a side table with champagne , then he say the most beautiful speech to me with tears in his eyes, and then goes on his knees and ask me to marry him, the most precious part i take from this was it was done right at the spot where we put my mums ashes, so it seems she was right there giving me her blessings and the celebration did not stop there when we reach my aunties house the tables where set with lots of eats and a cake to cut.... very beautiful, im glad i have my own story to tell my kids one day.

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