
SA Weddings

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Dianetse Tsotetsi

Dianetse Tsotetsi

Married on Dec 3, 2022 in Gauteng

How did your love story begin?


I am a flight attendant and he is a flight controller, he used to stay in PE and I used to stay in Cape Town everytime I used to go to PE when he was on shift he would come to the aircraft and check if I was there and we would just fliert with each other. I didn't take it to head,because everytime I thought he would ask for my numbers he wouldn't. Eventually I moved back home to Johannesburg because cape Town was just too expensive. I hadn't flown to PE in a while, then eventually I flew to PE and guess who I meet up with? He somehow came to the aircraft that day and saw me and he had the shook of his life, for a second there he even forgot that he was at work. He was like "I thought you left the company" I laughed and I said well I am still here. Like usual we flirted but this time it was different he asked for my number, my incharge kept telling me how good of a Man he is and I should give him my number or else she will, and I kept saying nope I need to go work. I went into the ile to close overheads and make sure all the Passangers are okay. Then the doors were closed and we had to leave. 2 minutes later the captain calls my incharge and says they is a small technical, the doors need to be opened again so that the engineers can come and take a look, so doors had to be re-open and he was still there, as the door opened he was like you see God really wants this to happen so I actually do deserve your number. I laughed and gave him my number after the last number, guess what the aircraft was fine and we were good to go. That's how our live story begin.

Tell us all about the proposal.


He first proposed to me in PE with a chappy nealed down on one knee and he asked me to marry him and I said no. Then he asked for a transfer to come and work in Johannesburg and he got it, and when he was here after a month and a half of staying together he started talking about how he wants to go to my family and I was just ignoring that fact. Eventually because I kept ignoring it he wrote a letter without me knowing to inform my family that he would like to come to pay Lobola and then I got a call from my instructed me to come home and boom there www the later even my sisters hid the later from me.

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