
SA Weddings

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Melissa Booysen

Married on Mar 28, 2020 in Eastern Cape


Voting has closed for Bride of the Year 2020

Click here to open the 2020 competition page

How did your love story begin?


My Highschool Crush! It was love at first sight, and for many looking at identical twins Ive been asked many times, "How did you know the difference?" But I swear, since the first time I saw my beloved Husband to be I knew that it wasnt just a crush. After the first time I saw him I just joined a new school (Grade 9) and he had already been attending the school for his 2nd year. He was a dancer and I was blown away by his talent, he inspired me mostly, then I became a dancer too. 6 years later I established that he is an aspiring artist aswell and my oh my is he talented. Everything about him just drew me towards his energy. There and then I knew, inspite of what the universe may send our way I wanted to face Life with this man! My loveface, my bugface, Jason Bruce.

Tell us all about the proposal.


Did I see it coming? Nope.

We were in the midst of going through the toughest part of our relationship. We were facing more than what a couple should face after only 5 months of dating, BUT GOD! We decided to take a trip to Bloemfontein, his mom was hosting an event and he was due to perform. Before the show, we decided to go out for lunch. He spoilt me, but this wasn't unusual. We went back home to prepare for the show, I could tell how anxious he was but thought it was for the show. he performed and once he got off stage he and I sat in the car, he started singing for me, and as any girl would, I just fell deeper in love. He then asked me to wait in the car as he just wanted to get something inside, he then called me and there he was standing with his brother and his brothers wife, the simplest but most romantic moment yet, he asked and I said YES!

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