
SA Weddings

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Melissa Schoeman

Married on Mar 24, 2018 in Free State


Voting has closed for Bride of the Year 2018

Click here to open the 2018 competition page

Magical Moments


We had a weekend away wedding in Clarens. It started the Friday night, with a "braai" with all our guest and ended with a beautiful breakfast the Sunday morning. Highlights: The simbolic meaning of our decor. All our tables were named after places we visited together as a couple: venice, mykanos, croatia.... our wedding flowers: hydrangeas and orchids to symbolize gratefulness. The cake: almonds and cherries: to symbolize God's devine approval. The local craft beer keg bar, selfie hotspot, smores station, ice cream truck with Abba music.... countless memorable moments.

The Honeymoon


Yes, we visited the western coast. Patenoster, Langebaan and Dwarskersbos.

Wedding Gallery