Married on Feb 3, 2018 in Mpumalanga


Voting has closed for Bride of the Year 2018

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How did your love story begin?


We met at protea hotel witbank 2004 I just completed my studies at varsity colledge was doing my practical service for the course I was doing in international hotel management. He was a supervisor at the time who was not there the day i was hired I think he was in leave and I met him 3days later and when he saw me he said "wena uzoba ngumfati wam" meaning u gonna be my wife.I just looked at him and laughed cauz I felt like his jst taking chances his not even my type,he was so scared to confront me he kept sending some older ladies I was working with to butter me up for a chance to talk and a date which eventually happened and before i knew it I was head over heels everything about us felt right from the first date and you could not separate us wherever he was I was there we became inseparable.

Tell us all about the proposal.


I never really took him serious the 1st time he proposed he proposed within 3months together and I told him I'm not marriage material,and he proposed again and I saw he was serious and he said he knows what he wants he doesn't see the reason for waiting years to propose when his got what u wants it was my birthday month and my family was preparing for my way birthday.It was at a resturant with a ring in a glass kind of setup and I excepted with excitement and concern felt it was too soon and my family wouldn't be happy about it cause I felt I was still young but old enough to know I loved him and didn't want anyone else.

The Honeymoon


No not yet.

Wedding Gallery


My Bridal Beauty Regime

Yes my bridesmaid were on point hair manicures and all well rested.

Wedding Elements

Decor was coordinated by gugu she basically organised everythng frm setting,furniture,flowers and all working with her team and my sister who was also matron of honour who was in charge of everything.

My Groom And His Groomsmen

My groom and grooms man got their suits oriental plaza jorburg.

Beautiful Bridesmaids

The bridesmaid look was done by a local simstress by the name of lizzie.