Married on Oct 18, 2018 in Western Cape


Voting has closed for Bride of the Year 2018

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How did your love story begin?


We met through a mutual friend. Hilton was living with my friend Andrew who I used to get series from. Over a conversation about stretching and the benefits thereof, it was apparently in that moment of my flexibility that he knew I was the one. I wasn't sold quite so soon. A relationship over whatsapp pursued and being a little old school in thought, I was not very impresses by the lack of chivalry. He did eventually ask me out and the rest is history as after that first date of spoils the connection was instant. Sometime we just need a little push in a certain direction to be open to new possibilities.

Tell us all about the proposal.


It was our 5th Anniversary and we went for a quiet dinner as I was on a hectic work project. To be honest, I was shattered and could barely stay awake. I remember thinking at a certain point in dinner, it would be quite cliche if he had to propose right now and I was quite aware of his behavior and actions. He was as cool as a cat though. We came home and he asked me if Id go for a walk with him to walk our pooch Benji who is the love of out life. I was so tried that I wanted to ask him to do the walk, but something stirred and I said ok. We started on the walk and met my sister (who had been staying with us) in the corridor all flustered. Thinking to myself that was a little odd, we carried on. We live in a secure complex and in the middle of the complex there is a big pool area with a little pone that surrounds it. As we come over the bridge I see that the Gazebo area is all light up, and I am thinking to myself, oh wow the body corporate actually listened to me as I wrote o them advising them to light up that area (when we were in Japan I had seen the most beautiful lit gazebo in a train station and thought it would give our pool area some light). At this point, I things are happening quite quickly, I look to my left and there is some strange behaviour as there are people starring at us on their balcony (know I know it was some family). As we enter the pool area out pops my dad (who is meant to be in the uk) and I am VERY confused at this point. I keep asking him why he is here and he keep hugging me trying to give Hilton the ring as there had been some confusion earlier in the day as to who /how this ring was going to get there. The point being that I was always quite principled that Hilton ask my dad in person, so he flew him here from the UK. Soon after that, he asks my dad and goes down on one knee and the only think I can think about at that moment is that I am holding my dogs pooh bag in my hand and I have no idea what to do with it. So at 11.50 pm at night (shattered, looking a right mes and holding my dogs pooh bag - I said yes and the rest of the story tells itself.

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