On the 9th of September I walked down a red carpet, surrounded by beautiful nature, amazing people and the man that I love and have waited 8 years for him to ask me to be his WIFE and become forever more Mrs. Van Wyk.
The setting was incredible and the music was like violins that ran through my head as I saw my beautiful flower girl and bridesmaids make their way down the carpet and I suddenly felt my heart race as my song began to play. Slowly my dad and myself walk down the steps and onto the carpet, as I lifted my face slightly to look at the beautiful man that was standing there waiting for me with tears in his eyes. I remember looking at my mom to show her the veil that I made specially for her and what a pleasure it was to surprise her. As my dad handed me over to my husband to be, I could not imagine that here I am and here he was standing in front of me and we will forever be together but as he touched my hands I knew, that we were meant to be......
It was our anual December year end function. We went to "The Vette Mossel" in Hartbeespoort. We had a lovely evening filled with laughs and our friends.When out of the blue he took a red ribbon tied it around my finger and asked me to marry him :) I was so shocked that I did not believe him only to found out the next day it was true when he gave me the ring. It was amazing....
My bridesmaids and myself had our make-up done by a lovely lady of the name Madelyn. She is the owner of Beauty Excellence in Pretoria and also the head makeup artist on Gkam Guru :) she is funny and so sweet. She made us laugh. Our dresses was made by Marguerite from MLRD Bridal Design Studio and what a pleasure to know her. My dress was a Victorian style dress with hints of my personality, my amazing ladies were steampunk and what a fun bunch they were. We loved every moment of it and never wanted it to end.. Thank you all <3
I absolutely love Victorian styles but even more Steampunk. We hand made the most beautiful underplates that looked like gears of a watch. Our serviettes had tiny pcket watches on and the tables was dark black with pops of red and colourful flowers. It was picture perfect for us :)
oooh how I loved what my husband had on, on our special day :) He was a Steam Punk Air Pirate with beautiful black silk and a hint of red. His Groomsman had stunning underjackets on with a hit of Steam Punk flare. All of the clothing was made by Marguerite from MLRD Bridal Design Studio.