Married on Apr 8, 2017 in Western Cape

My Fairytale

The sun was out, not a breath of wind was blowing threw the trees. Everything was just perfect, my emotions are filling up inside and my heart is pouncing with excitement , happiness and love .

My time is coming up to walk up the aisle. Im surrounded by trees and the sound of the waterfall as im approaching the start of the aisle where my step dad hands me over to my Dad .

I see my soon to be husbands face and I just can't wipe my smile off my face and tears running down my cheeks it's just a whirlwind of emotions at this moment.

We said our vows to one another by the most beautiful waterfall before God and it felt like it was only us there as we looked so deep into one another's eyes, the love we have for one another will always be strong. We where finally married and from there we just celebrate all night with our friends and family. We couldn't have asked for a better wedding.

Tamryn & Shenton

Cascade Manor in paarl


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Cascade Country Manor

Cascade Country Manor

Cascade Country Manor can seat up to 100 people, but for Weddings of more than 80 guests the event has to be arranged by a professional Wedding Coordinator. Wedding enquiries v...