Married on Apr 28, 2017 in Gauteng


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How did your love story begin?


We Met in a Club - and as Corny as it Sounds... It was Love at First Sight!!

One night I went out on the Town with the Ladies - A night to let my hair Down and have a good time. I was single and so over Men that I decided that this night was for myself and the Ladies! The night took us Movida, a classy little club in Rivonia.

Despite my plans of wanting to go out and keep it a girls night only... Too my surprise God had other plans for me.

As we all walked in the door - This gorgeous Human being (My Gorgeous Italian Husband - Graziano) was standing by the Bar and he caught my eye the moment I saw him. A small glimpse of a smile appeared on my faced as I brushed passed him. He smiled at me - probably the biggest smile I have ever seen - at some point he even Looked surprised to see me!

A thought instantly popped into my head! That i was not going to entertain this! I had told myself that I was Over Men and this night was for myself and my Girls.

After a few minutes of settling in and getting a drink in. He came over an introduced himself. He said that we had met before a very long time ago (hence the surprised look on his face). As soon as he came over, I instantly recognized him - Brushing him off almost instantly as he started introducing himself. Giving him a rather hard time and making it extremely difficult for him to carry on any further. He ended off very quickly and politely said "Well, I will see you around".

As soon as he walked away I immediately felt like a complete fool for being so short and giving him such a hard time! Especially because I did it out of being absolutely nervous - Like a school Girl with a crush! But what happened could not be undone. So I just turned around and tried to act natural.

The night slowly passed away - I danced with the girls and was having the best time... BUT

The entire time being on the Dance floor - We kept passing smiles at each other - Kept glancing over at one another. Smiling some more. I couldn't help myself.. He was gorgeous and his smile could melt a thousand angels hearts!

After sometime - He walked over and asked if I would like to dance with him - Once again siking myself out. I said NO! (Grrr! Such a Fool!) I thought to myself! He once again ending the conversation quickly as he was now turned down for the SECOND time. He walked away!

Another ten minutes had passed by and him being so wonderful still managed to smile at me the entire time I sat with the Girls. Eventually my Sister who was with us - said "Please stop smiling at him and just go an dance with him Already!" So that's exactly what I did - Walked on down to the dance floor and asked him to Dance!

We danced the entire night away, we drank and we chatted and We Laughed!! - There were moments where we were chatting and dancing that I felt like I had known him my entire LIFE!!!! It was the strangest feeling in the World but I couldn't resist just enjoying myself and Eating up that Moment.

We were still dancing at the club was emptying out! HE tried to pull in for that Perfect Kiss! This time letting him play into my hands - I put my finger in his lips and gave him a cheeky head shake! He gave me the biggest Smile knowing that He had already Won me over and all he Had to Do was be Patient!

After another hour or two Later and the night or should I say early Morning Came to an end.... He lent in again and this time he HAD me..... The Perfect first Kiss ;) The corny kind of kiss where the world disappears - that your so full of happiness you could drift away on a cloud and stay there forever type of Kiss!

He walked me to the Car with my friends... Kissed me on the cheek, smiled at me and said "The next time I see you, wont be here, it will be for Dinner!"

And that was it.... He had my heart! and Still does to this DAY, as he will have it, to the end of time <3

Tell us all about the proposal.



Probably a moment that I will cherish for the Rest of my Life!

My Husband then Boyfriend - Knowing me so well by Now as time passed by and we grew with each other in Life! Knew that I despised big shows and massive crowds of people in places that I didn't know and feel comfortable in!

So he planned my proposal perfectly and kept it as close to home as anyone could. That's right - I said it - HOME. He proposed to me at Home.

(Well my parents Home! Where I grew up.. where all my childhood memories are!)

It was my Grans 75th Birthday - Because we had missed the BIG 70th with her as she was away overseas! My Mom and I decided to throw a big celebration at Home for her - The entire Family was there as well as our closest Family friends! Even my soon to be Fiance's Family had joined us!

We had the most beautiful set up - There was amazing Food, Cake and Punch as we had a high Tea for her. There was Love and laughter spread amongst Family and friends catching up as we don't get to see each other very often!

As the afternoon had progressed. My soon to be Fiance - Set a chair in the middle of the Lawn - came over to me and grabbed my hand and said come sit on the chair over here - Me looking puzzled and rather nervous - as my Husband, brothers and Male cousins all circled around me on the chair - I WAS 100 PERCENT SURE! that a prank was about to go down - I was either going to be pushed off the chair or have a bucket of water thrown on me!

My husband stood in front of me - Instantly I piped UP! "If you push me off this chair - I will kill you!!"

Out of being nervous - he never even made a remark back. He just got down on one Knee - Still being as slow as I naturally am - Looked at him - Looked around - Still completely puzzled! Only when he started reminiscing over our time we had spent together and going on about how "Wonderful I am" - Did it HIT HOME!! He was proposing - Tears started to form in my eyes - That I held there the entire time (as I hate crying in front of people) - Well you know how it GOES - HE ASKED!! I blubbered and said YES!!!! Exchanging sloppy blubbery kissed and hugs with him - Literally being the happiest I have ever been in my Life - Not wanting to let go of him and disappearing in the moment forever!!

The Best setting I could have asked for - At Home where I am happy and most comfortable - in front of the most important people in my Life - My Family! Having the entire thing recorded on camera without my Knowledge! Having my NOW Fiance Graziano be the most beautiful gentleman and actually getting on one knee like a Old school Man <3 and just to top it off - The Sun was starting to set so that beautiful warm roasty colour hit the Garden at the time he ASKED!

My Love Still to this Day never Fails to Surprise and Amaze me!

Magical Moments


Memorable Moments of Our Wedding Day -

At the Top of my List - The Ceremony -

There was a moment of the ceremony when our marriage officiant was saying a passage out of the Bible - I got extremely overwhelmed with warmth. But not the usual kind. The kind you know when Our Heavenly Father is present with you. I could feel him around us so strongly in that moment that It Felt like a dream. It is honestly the most empowering feeling to Feel God's Love but even more so in a moment like that!

The second most Memorable moment - Saying our vows - It is such an elevating feeling to commit to one Person without doubt, without thought and with so much Love and passion for the Rest of your Life!
"With this ring, I give you my Heart,
I promise from this day forward,
you shall not walk alone,
may my heart be your shelter,
and my arms be your home!"

The next Highlight of our Wedding Day - Has to be my Our First Dance - Not with my Husband - But with our Son! That right our Gorgeous 4 year Old whom we Love to death! I had the privilege of dancing with him that evening for the First time! It started out Slow and then ended in a little Jam to "Watch me Whip, watch me Nay, Nay" one of his favorite songs! Dad Half way through even Joined in! A moment that will Live with me forever!

The Last most memorable moment would have to be Speeches. There is something so special about Family, friends and retinue giving a speech. The thought of them sitting putting it together - pulling together all the best and worst memories shared together - talking about the Love between myself and my Husband. It's a refreshing feeling to feel so much Love in a room. To share laughter and tears with all the people who mean the most to you over that period of when they Say their speeches, on one of the Most special and most important days of our Lives.

Not to mention to get the chance to sit and witness my Husband to say a speech and express his Love for you in front of a room full of people. To express how he adores, Loves and cherishes everything about me. To say that the most important and special word he can use to describe how I make him feel is not the obvious word people bring to mind... "LOVED" but Completion. To know that I am enough for Him - to know that I am so much... That I complete HIM!

As God stays with us on this Journey - I know we can Make it through any obstacle! <3

The Honeymoon


We had the Best HoneyMoon in The World.

"They say Its not where you are, Its who you are with"

And this statement is more truer than Ever now that We are married.

We never went Overseas on a big expensive Honeymoon. We went as far as our Finances could take us...
All the way to the tropical Waters of BALITO! Right here in the Heart of South Africa - Our HOME.

We come from Joburg so I was as exited as a Kid at Christmas because I don't care where Holiday is - If its got a BEACH - I am as happy as a PEACH!

I was even more excited this time around as it was the first time We were going on Holiday together EVER since my Husband and I had been together and even better the First time our Son (Kasen) was going to experience the Life if Vitamin SEA!

The First week explored every part of KZN as we could with our little Boy - from Ushaka, to Croc World, To picnics at the Beach and Fishing in the rock pools - Arcade Games at Gateway, dinners out etc.- YOU NAME IT - WE DID IT!

The second week - Hubby and I were alone - Our little boy drove back home with my sister - So we could get a little alone time. Our first stop was Umhlanga in a gorgeous little guest house. We went out for Dinner to a gorgeous little Restaurant called Little Havannas - to celebrate our Life as Husband and Wife. We spent the next few exploring and soaking up as much sun as we could before we moved onto Scottsburgh - Were we spend the last of our honeymoon vacay lazying around and soaking up as much sun as we could on a little private beach off the guesthouse we stayed in!

Wedding Gallery


My Special Day

The Wedding DRESS!

My Dress was made by a Seamtress - MonBon Couture - A lady by the name of Monique made it for me. AND BOY! Did it fit like a Glove! It beat my expectations by FAR!

It was Off White in Colour - With Lace Detail around the bust area. With an open back and Lace Detail Down the Back into the Train. It was Fitting from the Top to the Knee as it flowed out into a sort of fish tail to the Floor with an Extra Long Train. This i would presume to be a very Modern wedding dress and not traditional at all. I chose the off-white colour to suite our Rustic themed wedding.

I wore a finger tip VAIL also off white in colour as the saying goes - Something borrowed! It was my sisters - and I got the privilege of wearing it on my wedding day to!

Sadly my Lingerie was nothing special NOR even that Sexy as the dress was so FORM fitting - I had to wear seamless nude coloured underwear - Sloggi was the Lucky choice in this case - so that no Lines or seams ruined the finished look of my Wedding Dress.

Me not being traditional AT ALL - did not wear the gorgeous detailed wedding heels - No Sir! not for me!
I wore Kicks formally known as Sneakers.
They were a Light Dusty Pink/Rose gold in Colour - Made by LEVI of course! With Ribboned Laces. Comfortable and Stylish!

Nightmare for me! SOOOO Hard to chose the right pieces for my Dress! I spent MONTHS looking at Jewellery as every detail to you on your special day counts and has to be perfect!
I chose to wear a Rose Gold - Detailed diamond Choker for my Neck Piece - Chokers are very In at the moment and when I saw it! I loved it! It fitted perfectly with my dress. I then wore very simple rose gold Diamond studs in my ears and A beautiful matching rose Gold Bracelet.
All my Jewellery was petite and dainty as such so that it did not take the focus away from my Dress but just added a little bit of sparkle to the whole Look.

My Favorite pass time! I LOVE MAKEUP! I could drop a salary shopping for makeup - But at makeup artist always say - Bridal makeup need to be simple --- PSSSSSH! Yes if your boring and traditional - Which I am Not! I had beautiful big bold eyes with a Long Winged EYE. And a gorgeous Bold maroon Lip - that gave my whole face an extra POP! That I had the honour of smearing all over my Husbands Lush Lips! I also the day before had semi Permanent Lashes done - Which where so Long that a tornado happened somewhere in the World every time I Blinked!

I left until last - as up until the day before our Wedding! I had hair so long it almost reached my Bottom! WELL... I chopped it off!! The day before I cut it into a Long BOB - (A LOB)
My Hair was a rich Violet/Purple in Colour that looked gorgeous in the SUN when the sun reflected off of it! On the Big day - My hair dresser added some lovely soft curls with a Little Braid on the side. Simple but Elegant! My Husband prefers me with Short hair - SO he almost fell over when I walked down the Aisle with short hair!

I would say that my wedding Look was Definitely Modern with of course my own little twist added in, Elegant but also Sexy.

Wedding Dress - Monbon Couture - Contact: 072 313 8973
Hair - Me, Myself and I - Contact: 011 453 0469
Makeup - Lips to Lashes (Cherize) - Contact: 071 101 5411
Shoes & Lingerie - Edgars
Jewellery - Lovisa @ Eastgate

The Venue

We got married in Mulderdrift at a Beautiful Wedding Venue called Val Verde. They Honestly HAVE the most Stunning Gardens for Summer Ceremonies! They also happen to serve the most delicious FOOD and Creme Brulee!!!!

Yes our guest did Stay Over - Our wedding venue has plenty rooms available on the premises for your Friends and Family! and the night over stay includes a delicious breakfast the Morning after!

Wedding Venue: Valverde - Contact: 010 591 6840

My Bridal Beauty Regime

We honestly just had many FUN Get together's discussing wedding plans! These often involved LOTS of laughing and Lots of Wine!

The Night before we all cuddled up on the couch and giggled ourselves to sleep watching THE PROPOSAL!

Wedding Elements

We chose a Rustic styled wedding - So we had rich warm Autumn colours as we got married towards the end of April - Right in the Autumn season.

Our reception hall had white coloured draping and 8 piece drape from the centre Candle piece chandelier to each Pillar and post running on the outside of the hall. Between the draping we had yellow toned fairly lights hanging linear with the draping as well as down the Back Wall where mine and my Husbands table was placed.

For our Menu card - We bought a second hand wooden crate and the week before our wedding I painted our Menu on the Crate which was placed near the Entrance. We also draped some battery operated fairy lights through and around it - So when the night fell you could still see the wording as well as it just added a pop to it.

We had a separate table near the entrance of the Hall for our wedding favours. We found Gold and wine red mason jars with handles, Lids and straws - so we decided this is a perfect guest wedding favour. We had a chalk board placed on the Table - That said "Grab a Jar and head to the Bar"!

Also near the entrance was our seating plan - The entrance to our Hall had a large Patio with wooden Poles everywhere the created like an open window or frame (if that makes sense) and the creeper flowers and plants grew around all the poles so it was very natural and rustic looking - (Hence why we chose the venue we did!) We hung mason jars from those poles in the sort of window that was created as well as our seating Plan between the mason Jars. Each of our guests Names were written on circular wooden discs - from natural tree bark - we (when I say we - I mean me and my husband - a lot of our decor we made ourselves!) then strung all the discs together oddly separated (each disc) with string and hung those from the Poles where we had divided the guests into their table placements (ie. Table 1 - string of discs with guests name - Table 2 string with guests name etc) These table placements with the discs and mason Jars all hung vertically.

The Hall was decorated with rustic styles elements all over in various places to pull our entire Look together. WE had hanging Mason jars with fairy lights and candles in them hanging from the ceiling and outside by the entrance off off the Wooden Poles.

We had mason jars with flowers in them scattered along the floor to the entrance of our reception Hall.

We had a Large Wine/beer barrel which served as a Table for Our Wedding cake.

We had a Classic Banquet Style Placement for our Tables for our guests. Then my husband and I sat at our Own table at the Head of the Hall near the fire place.

Our tables were covered with white cotton table clothes - we had ivory coloured throw overs placed over the table clothes. Our chairs had matching white cotton pull overs on them. Every second chair had a deep wine red chiffon Tie back.

Our tables were beautifully decorated with dark green Coco leave runners, the runners were in the centre of the tables. In between the coco leaf runners we had large Rustic wooden Lanterns with real large ivory candles inside them .Around the Base of the Lanterns we had a flower placement which consisted of deep Wine red flowers as well as big round Flowers that our Florist had sprayed Gold (done know the name of the flowers) with Baby's breath and other small flowers in between them to fill the gaps. We also had a few Mason Jars with battery operated candles in them spread amongst the leaves as well.

We had Gold Under plates with a the simple classic serviette placement on top of the under plates - with a small deep wine red flower placed on each placing (on top of the serviette)

On mine and my Husbands table we had the same Leaf runners at the top part of the table and smaller rustic looking lanterns placed on either end of the Leaf runner. On top of the Leaf runners as such we had a Glass Rectangular stand where We had free standing "Mr& Mrs" Wooden Letters placed. We also had yellow toned fairy lights hanging behind us and around our table underneath the table cloth.

We only used natural candle light as well as battery operated candles and fairy lights that all had the yellow toned light in them. This created such a natural warm colour and feeling to the room, so as the sun fell - It really felt warm and cosy in our reception hall.

The Fireplace was just another Lovely touch to the Hall - As the night progressed and it got a little chilly - The staff lit up the fireplace.

For our Menu card - We bought a second hand wooden crate and the week before our wedding I painted our Menu on the Crate which was placed near the Entrance

My Groom And His Groomsmen

You know how they say - There is nothing more sexier than a Man in a suit :) WELL i really couldn't agree more! My husbands line of work does not allow for smart dress as he is always getting dirty as he is constantly underneath cars. SO seeing him in a suit on our wedding day was a real treat!

Our wedding dress code was Suits and Sneakers. SO all the men got to wear their suits with stylish Kicks which looked awesome!

My Husband Graziano wore a fitted Cut Matt Black Suit (very traditional in Cut and Style) - The Blazer or Jacket Lapels had detailing on it - This was almost done in a reversed satin. Then on the edging of the lapel there were the tiniest Black rhinestones. (I know what your thinking! How Kitch) but if you go look at my pics of him. It looked really stylish and super Sexy of course ;) The Blazer had two button ups.

He then wore a Deep Red Fitted Shirt and a reversed black satin Tie.

His shoes were sneakers of course in a matching deep wine red in colour to his shirt. He bought ankle high sneakers (SHoe brand: LeCoq's)

He didn't wear any - No watch nor any other Jewellery - accept for his TIE!

The groomsmen (Graz had 1 groomsmen and 1 best Man) wore traditional long black trousers with black and wine red (this was their choice on colour) Sneakers as well with classic styled long sleeved white shirts. There shirts were obviously fitted and formal. We then bought them Deep Wine Red suspenders and Bow Ties.

There look was very simple and completely classic! This was done to keep the attention on the Most important Man as well as make it as cost effective as possible!

Luckily enough Men are much easier to shop for than Woman - All of their accessories, trouser as well as the Grooms Suit was purchased from China Mall - They have plenty of gorgeous little Suit and dress shops throughout that are all competitive with pricing!

Beautiful Bridesmaids

What a hunt it was!! My bridesmaids (I had 2 bridesmaids - no MOH!) were both different shapes and different sizes and to find a dress in the right colour that Looks good on them both is REALLY difficult! Because each of them have their own idea of what look great!

Many months of searching and trying on bazillions of dresses - also seeking quotes to get dresses made for them (This option was really expensive - for a wedding dress great! Cost effective - for bridesmaids dresses not cost effective!)!! We finally found one that was perfect!

We found Champagne gold dresses with a open Nude Net back - long in length - the dresses reached the floor (no train) that looked gorgeous on both of my bridesmaids. These dresses were purchased at YDE in Mall of Africa!

Once we had found their dresses it was much easier to decide on shoes and other elements to compliment their dress. SO originally I wanted them to wear sneakers but sadly this did not compliment their dresses at all and ruined their whole look. So we decided on sandals. The Girls Sandals we found online at Zoom - they were the famous Jelly sandals! They were nude in colour with gorgeous beaded flowers on the strap of the sandal which was between the big toe and the other toes up the the middle strap!

They both had beautiful thick long hair! So both of them had their hair curled and styled in a half up do. Which looked absolutely stunning!

This was an absolute WIN for us - every girl loves makeup - so finding makeup looks was a piece of cake! (PINTEREST has some awesome pics!) The girls had chosen on a bold CAT EYE (winged) with natural beige's and browns for eye shadows. The had the classic contouring Face make up with a peachy to pink blusher on their cheeks. With a gorgeous Nude Lip to not distract from their defined Cat eye makeup. They both wore False lashes as well to give their eyes and extra FLARE!

I bought the girls jewellery from China Mall - We all decided champagne gold jewellery would suit best. The did not wear a necklace as there dress neck line was quite high. So they decided on a dainty bracelet and earrings to match!

We got their look from nowhere other than our imaginative heads! (LOL) I am a very creative person and LOVED planning my wedding! The three of us sat on occasion discussing colours, styles, fabrics, hair looks, shoe styles, and makeup ideas! Every time we all agreed on the same or similar look - we wrote it down or I drew a rough draft. As well as pasted ideas from Magazines, the net (especially PINTEREST) into my Wedding Folder. The bridesmaids had their own section. After a couple of months of brain storming and deciding. Once we had found their dresses - we sat and finalized their shoes, hair, jewellery and makeup.

Marriage Officer

Our Marriage Officer was such a Gem! Her name was Lesley - She was such a Laugh and full of Life! She helped us through the marriage process probably the most - especially as saying your vows and I do's is the most important part of the entire Day!

She kept our ceremony short and Sweet and left both my Husband and I with very important values from the Bible to cherish and keep with us for a strong and beautiful marriage.

It was such a lovely feeling standing in front of her feeling calm, comfortable and at ease as she guided us through our ceremony with absolute ease, Love and laughter!

THIS IS THE LADY YOU would want for your wedding!

She made our Ceremony memorable and FILLED with absolute Love and Light!

She comes from a Company (if you could call it that!) called YOUR WEDDING CEREMONY - REV. Nick Prinsloo is the co-founder of the company (He married my sister and he is also an absolute Gem and such a Laugh)! If you want to have a light hearted ceremony with the base fundamentals of the Lord and Religion! This is definitely a someone i would recommend! All the marriage officers are religious and LOVE their LORD and LOVE what they do!

Your Wedding Ceremony - Contact:
Web Page:

My Captured Moments


Our photographer was honestly the best - If i could bundle him into a word it would be PASSION!!!! Honestly extremely passionate for what he does. Andrew Howes is a complete professional and all about capturing the special Moments! He has a beautiful sense of humor and makes you feel completely comfortable in front of the Lens!

His Work is outstanding! He blew our expectations right out of the water and Our wedding photos are STUNNING! For myself and my Husband - your only keepsake of your day in terms of material is your wedding photos! So this is something you want to turn out perfectly and they Did!

Andrew's Company is called One2One group - Contact:
Web page:

The Wedding Planner

I was my OWN planner - I planned and organized my entire wedding with the help of my Hubby, retinue and Family!

Wedding Transport

arrived normally! No special Car nor by Helicopter! Nothing special just casually LATE as ALWAYS!!

My Husband on the other hand arrived in style! Once he was dressed he traveled from our Wedding Venue in Mudlers all the way to MIDRAND (crazy I know) and was chauffeured from Midrand back to our Venue in a BENTLEY! (don't ask me what Bentley - I don't know - I am actually sitting here praying that I even have the right make of car!) Where all our guests where waiting for him!

He is a CAR maniac so this was expected!! This was also a surprise for me as I never knew about the arrangement!

Food & Cake

The most important thing at a Wedding is GOOD FOOD! Nothing worse than a big fancy wedding and eating horrible food! Our wedding venue prepared our Buffet and WOW!!! It was DELICIOUS - we had many compliments regarding our food from our guests!

Venue: Valverde - Contact: 0105916840

Next important thing people need to EAT and LOVE! is the Wedding Cake! And man...... WOW! Our cake Looked and tasted AMAZING! We weren't traditional in terms of cake at all! We Had One small round cake at the Top of our Cake stand and then different flavored Cake pop syringes. (check out the link to see how awesome Cake syringes are: or type in "CAKE PUSH POP SYRINGE"

The circular cake at the top of our stand was a carrot cake - Which had minimal icing - so parts of the carrot cake could be seen through the icing giving it a rustic look. We had caramel sauce dripping from the top of the cake down the sides - and gold edible flakes around the Cake giving it a shimmery look! Then we had wine red and white roses placed on top.

Our cake syringes - We had Custard filled Vanilla Sponge with icing - dark Sticky chocolate sponge with Icing- Red Velvet with Lavender icing! Our guests LOVED the syringes and everyone said it was the best cake they had ever eaten! Her carrot cake was honestly the most tastiest one yet! All the cake was fresh and moist! The Icing was not sickly sweet but thick and creamy! If you want a tasty wedding cake that is decorated beautifully! This is the place to go!

Company - Kelly Jayne's - Contact: Kelly Finlayson
Web page:

Wedding Stationery

MY HUSBAND AND I - We designed our Invitation and other stationery Needed and had it made - but mostly we made it ourselves!

The Reception and Entertainment

What a JOL it was! WOW - We had an absolute blast! We danced, sang and partied all night!

This was all done by my husband! He DJ's as a Hobby and he has a lot of connections in the Field. So he hired out all the equipment for lights and music/speakers and set it up himself!

We decided on not having a DJ (YIKES I know) BUT all weddings we have attended the DJ's just sit there and play off a playlist they have put together the night before playing the worst wedding songs of all time! They don't do much besides sit!

So we had an extremely awesome set up - with a system my husband used for with song timers and the whole bang shoot! So one of our closest friends (also a former DJ) said he would handle the music during speeches, our first dances and the ceremony. Which he did and the rest of the time our music just went through the playlist my Husband and I sat nights and nights putting together!

It turned out to be a lot of fun this way as my Husband even did a small set (DJYING set) during our wedding and Rocked the dance floor! This way we chose all our music and literally danced the night away!

AFTER the party! and the night had come to an end - We had a Bon fire set up in the BOMA we had hired at our wedding venue - where a bundle of us sat around chatting and drinking until early hours of the morning! The BOMA was honestly one of the best ideas we had for our wedding!

Wedding Services Used



Kelly Jayne's Cake Boutique

Kelly Jayne's Cake Boutique

This amazing mother and daughter duo have been featured in many magazines and have won prestigious awards like 1st place in the 2014 Good Food And Wine Show Wedding Cake Challe...

One2One Group

One2One Group