Married on Apr 29, 2017 in Garden Route


Voting has closed for Bride of the Year 2017

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How did your love story begin?


We met at a mutual friends 21st. He arrived late, a definite no go for me. Murphy's law, we were seated at the same table that night. I didnt think much of this red-head guy at first, infact he irretated me. Somehow he managed to find me on Facebook the day after, asked my phone number and just two days later he kissed me.. the rest is history :)

Tell us all about the proposal.


It involved lots and lots of tea light candles..

Magical Moments


I wouldn't change a thing.. dont get me wrong, things went wrong, a lot in fact! However it's the little imperfections along with highlights such as his face when he first saw me, the way he said I do, the feeling of complete happiness when the MC first introduced us as Mr. and Mrs. Nel and having everyone that matters celebrate our day with us, that made our day perfect.

The Honeymoon


Phuket, Thailand

Wedding Gallery


My Special Day

I didnt want to go for the normal natural beauty look, so I decided to go with a messy up do, smokey eyes, bold lashes and red lips. My modified A line lace wedding dress were also out of the ordinary with a black bow and a black lace border around the trail. I had a black lace garter with a red bow, that my aunt made for me, which matched my nail art. To round it all off, I had pearl earings, a pearl bracelet and a hair clip with pearls.

The Venue

Uitsig wedding venue just outside George in the geelhoutboom area

Marriage Officer

Pastor Naas Vermaak from CRC George

My Captured Moments

Martie de Jager. She's been taking photos of me ever since I was little. She use to say "if I'm still alive the day you get married, I'm taking your photos" so I called her up a few months after the engagement and at the age of 71 she agreed to take our photos. Needless to say, she's still the best, after all these years.

The Wedding Planner

No. Only my two bridesmaids and a very involved groom.