Married on Jan 28, 2017 in Limpopo

Roekelose Liefdes fees!

Ons dag, ons perfekte dag was op die 28ste Januarie 2017 in Mpumalanga tussen Amsterdam en Piet Retief op die mees natuurskone plaas wat ek al gesien het, Evergreen Wedding Estate. Eintlik was ons mooi dag oor n naweek uit gestrek al die famile en vriende het al die vrydag gekom om te help, dit was nou n DIY troue, die oom's en tannie's het lekker gekuier om die blomme wat moes gepak word vir die tafels terwyl die jong mense als rond skuif en my skoonpa het omtrent die meeste werk gedoen. My pragtig niggie het ook my hare en grimering doen en dit was stunning,min grimering soos ek dit like ;)
Ons dekor was min maar pragtig die venue van self is asemrowend en het nie veel gekort nie.

Ek het nog nooit regtig in sprokies en prinsesse geglo nie, tot ek my man ontmoet het hy is werklik n droom van God af en ons dag was net n bevesting van dit. Baie keer kry ek die vraag as ek kon iets verander wat so dit wees? Met n geruste en eerlike hart kan ek se, Ek sou niks maar nikls verander het nie, als was meer as perfek woorde kan dit nie beskryf nie en ek sal dit nooit kan oorvertel nie, mens moes daar wees om dit te kon beveel!


Voting has closed for Bride of the Year 2017

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How did your love story begin?


Our journey started on a friends 21st, where he asked my best friend if I was in a relationship with someone, as soon as he heard the words NO, he asked me for a dance and so almost 6years later we are still dancing our journey together.

Tell us all about the proposal.


He planned a weekend away, but as usually I forgot that a had a leopard research and snare removal project on that weekend, so he had to change all the arrangements and find new accommodation close to where I had to be which was in Hartebeest poort, so he found a lovely quite get away place in the sweet bush veld. That friday when we arrived we unpacked everything started a campfire and during the sunset sipping on Amarula he stood up and asked me to get up as well, he was standing behind me with his arms around me, starting to tel me how much he loved me and how he cant wait to spend the rest of this life with me and that even though we dont have anything now he promises that we would build our life together (as he just finished university and I has in my final year). I was getting a weird feeling as in the 5 years being together and never been alone away for a weekend but before I could put 2 and 2 together he turn me around and got on one knee, I started to cry as he had my grandmothers ring in his hand, and asked me to be his wife. After which it started raining that night and the whole of the Saturday so my project was cancelled and we spent the whole day in Harties. Even though the weekend was not as he planned it was still the best weekend of my life.

Magical Moments


Our whole weekend of the wedding has memorable, I really dont have the right or enough words to explain it but I would love to have my wedding over and over even the planning. I would not change anything of our perfect day, it was the most unforgettable perfect day of my life, and I truly wish that ever bride feels and experiences there big day like I did!!!

The Honeymoon


WOw WOW WOW!!! The honeymoon was great!!! We did the garden route and just had the best time of our lives!! This was our first holiday on our own and we had so much fun, it felt like being a kid all over we explored and did adventures things, the best of all was just spending quality time together.

Wedding Gallery


My Special Day

My husband and I are both people that like plain and simple things, we had such a beautiful wedding venue that we kept everything as natural as possible. So I believed that I tried to be as natural looking as I normally do, I had make up done by my cousin but very light, my hair was curled and hanging loosely on my shoulders, my dress was a cream lace A line dress and my shoes has cowboy boots my brother got in the USA and that was probable the most expensive thing I had on.

The Venue

We got married at Evergreen Wedding Estate in Mpumalanga, Yes most of my guest stay over at the venue for the weekend.

My Bridal Beauty Regime

I had none, hahahahaha

Beautiful Bridesmaids

Wel we went to YDE took as about 20mins to find their dresses, and then we went for cocktails! Dont really like shopping that much, and i didnot mind about how the dresses looked like as long as it was the color I had in mind and they were happy with it.

My Captured Moments

Our photographer were great they really went the extra mile for us, I would highly recommend them. Birdhouse photography

The Wedding Planner

Nope did everything with my sister in-laws and my husbands mom, who's now my mom