Lifestyle Dancing

Lifestyle Dancing

Make your first dance, as husband and wife, unforgettable with a specially choreographed dance to your choice of music.

Then after everyone has stopped applauding and your guests have commented: "We didn't know you could do that".

You will be able to dance the rest of the night away because we will also teach you other social dances to compliment your evening.

Wedding dance options:

• "Sweetheart" option
5 x ½ hour private lessons
4 x 1 hour group lessons

• "Show stopper" option
10 x ½ private lessons
8 x 1 hour group lessons
Choreography to your song of choice

• "Bridal party" option
(Parents, Bridesmaids and groom's men)
15 x ½ private lessons
15 x 1 hour group lessons
Choreography to your song of choice

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Tips For A Flawless First Dance

Tips For A Flawless First Dance

Our top tips for a flawless first dance!

Images from Linked Brides


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