
SA Weddings

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Your Guide to Same Sex Marriage in South Africa

Welcome to Pride Month!

Many people view taking pride in one's uniqueness as a form of rebellion. However, simply embracing who you are can be a lifelong journey. True love can transform everything. Beyond heteronormative and even homonormative choices, it's about being human and wanting to spend your life with the person who makes you happiest. In South Africa you can make that commitment and the legal consequence of each and every marriage, civil union partnership or traditional marriage concluded here, is exactly the same. This is true equality under the law.


Are we getting the runaround here?

The Civil Union Act allows any two single adults to marry, regardless of religion, gender, orientation or nationality. Whether you call your union a partnership or a marriage, the terminology makes no legal difference; both are equally recognised. Additionally, all marriages in the country are considered Civil marriages, with no distinction of a "more equal" commitment. Importantly, the LGBTQIA+ community's marriages are not treated as any less significant than others.

Despite this, bias still exists. When searching for a venue, caterers, a DJ or even an officiant, you might encounter people who judge you, make excuses about being suddenly unavailable, or even claim that their religion prohibits them from working with "people like you." Don't give up; there are incredible vendors ready to help you say 'I do' in style!

Navigating family dynamics

If your family feels a bit uncomfortable with your marriage and makes awkward requests, such as asking you not to look for the garter on your bride’s thigh or wondering who will lead during your first dance, find an officiant who can ease their uncertainties and unite them in your love. Remember that this day is about you two and your beautiful love story, don't let anyone or anything take away from it.

What do you need to know?

In South Africa, all marriages are solemnised in community of property. If you prefer to maintain separate financial identities, take the time to set up a prenuptial agreement. A prenup isn't a plan for when you break up; it's a form of protection that supports your choice to be each other's person, always. Similarly, make sure to update your will. It's the responsible thing to do.

Most importantly, how do we stay happy, forever?

Over a lifetime, people change, grow and sometimes fail to be the person they intended for you. What remains constant is the soul you discovered and chose to adore. So be patient, kind and merciful. Communicate continuously - talk, talk more and keep talking. As long as you navigate life's changes with truth and humility, you remain a united team. If you forget everything else, just remember to listen to one another and be in awe of each other. Your love will endure forever.


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